How to Know if You Are Veteran Queue
- See also: WorldEdit
Player punishments refer to a multifariousness of actions taken by Hausemaster against players such as priority stripping/banning. Though originally rare, they have become much more than common in recent years. In extreme cases such as game-breaking lag exploits or crash exploits, the admins of 2b2t take been known to take action on players by removing their priority queue, kicking them, reverting their illegals, reverting their bases, and in rare cases, fully banning their accounts (unconfirmed). The Discord group 2builders12rules is dedicated to keeping rails of all punished players. Recently, plugins were installed to instantly priority strip players who were standing in chunks that were crashing the server.
The following are 2b2t's punishments equally laid out by 2builders12rules.
- Mute (soft mute) – unable to send chat messages
- PM mute – unable to send private letters
- Hard mute – both soft mute and PM mute
- Prio strip – priority queue is removed
- Prio ban – priority queue is removed and y'all are unable to rebuy
- Blacklist – all blacklisted accounts that are online are kicked in waves
- IP ban – whatever accounts logged into will be priority banned, hard muted, and added to the blacklist
Past year
Hausemaster removed Terminate portals created via a backdoor, and eventually reset the entire End dimension. He also removed duped Dragon Eggs and Endstone in the overworld.
Victor96 was muted for arguing with Hausemaster about the functionality of a chat filter.
Hausemaster muted some people, like James_Rustles, equally a joke, and chosen them "Chinese Bots". These mutes went on for a few hours and were simply a joke.
In tardily 2016, torogadude's veteran queue status was manually removed by TheCampingRusher and Curtis because torogadude had hacked a friend of Rusher and posted a video of logging into their account and bedtrapping them. This caused extreme outrage throughout the community, starting the #freetoro movement. Following the backlash, torogadude's veteran queue access was given back and Rusher explained what had happened in a video.
Throughout early 2017, powerful lag machines were used oftentimes to drop TPS. At the time Hausemaster was relatively inactive so no activeness was taken and the machines were used for months without being removed. In July, Hausemaster started to take action by deleting the lag machines used by Armorsmith and househousehouse1. Later in 2017, Gr1f'southward (another powerful lagger) veteran queue access was removed, but unlike the torogadude incident, this didn't cause as much community outrage because players were annoyed by the lag and thought it was justified.
Equally of 2019, the admins of 2b2t punish players who intentionally lag or crash the server past removing their priority queue and banning them from the priority queue store. Many accounts have been banned then unbanned in the past, such as those involved in the mass ban on Halloween 2019 caused by The Volume Club.
On Nov 26, 2019, every player on the priority ban list was cleared except 0x22, Paralusion2, and DqwnSyndrome.
On December 6, 2019, a device was made most spawn past the Brownmen that automatically priority banned anyone who went nigh it. the_wise_walrus was the first histrion to get banned using this tactic but has since been unbanned.
Hausemaster begins temporarily muting spammers in chat who promote or annunciate discord server or merely spam.
Hausemaster has been banning people from Hausemaster has banned many people who were making lag machines. Many of these people were members of the NSN (No Server November) grouping.
The builders of a black hole near Spawn, all of these accounts were banned from purchasing priority queue on September 2021.
In 2021, a new sort of mute became much more common, where the ability to whisper or /msg individual players in chat is totally removed in add-on. This punishment is known as whisper mute or difficult mute. It is almost always combined with a standard global conversation chat mute. A hard mute makes the player unable to communicate with others through game chat in any capacity. These difficult mutes tend to be handed to individuals who spread doxes or other related materials.
Priority queue bans are as well often handed out, with many effected players alleging their innocence.
Priority queue banned players also now tend to exist "IP Prio Banned", pregnant any additional accounts that log in through that ip are as well priority queue banned.
In September, the grouping Armorsmith's Followers began a entrada named Operation Blackness Hole, which abused the plugin that auto stripped players from priority queue access who were standing near powerful lag machines. They designed a structure made with over 100,000 sand blocks above signs and cobwebs, which they refered to as a Black Hole due to the similar effect of existence unable to escape information technology whenever somebody stood likewise close. When they broke the central sign, the sand barbarous downwards to the cobwebs which caused a huge corporeality of lag that instantly dropped the TPS down to 0. They would build these machines and convince new players to travel to them. Using this method, the players who reached the and so called event horizon of the chunkban would instantly freeze and get invincible to impairment, receive 0 FPS on the server, and eventually take his account kicked while crashing 2b2t making his account priority queue stripped.
Eventually Hausemaster discovered the players who were backside Operation Blackness Hole, and banned the main accounts of Armorsmith, Pockyboi, cumermen and NoComExploit from donating for priority queue on the 2b2t website.
Priority queue-stripped accounts
Listing of accounts currently banned from (44)
- Armorsmith
- AnzeBlaBla
- epik666
- oremongerskids
- y_a_t_a
- Heamear
- Chiyun2b
- haoma
- BlackHaoma
- solour68
- Ghost_Mafia
- bowfag
- slol
- waoediwarj8ow34w
- agregie
- _Demote
- Terpila
- Hausematter
- CattynDMG
- c0mmie_
- cumermen
- Funclown
- CodeMePlz
- Lord_Mahan
- Kbenster
- NukelordPvP
- derpyjibs
- ttv_eternalfin
- Pugman2013
- FencingF (was just unbanned afterward spamming hausemaster with emails)
- CodeTitan
- Lmao_box
- Hausemastercum
- HauseJewsPrio
- Pockyboi
- NoComExploit
- oevr
- xAlyssa_
- SilverEyes100
- FockingN1gger
- FaxHack
- 32kys
- cxsm
- Frosty003
- LilFrien
- OrbOfWater
- Killet
- ItsGoingGood
- SyndicateNA
Anyone can verify that the accounts on this listing are banned past going on and entering the usernames to purchase priority. The bulletin "You're not allowed to purchase this item." or "(username) has been banned from this webstore." will announced.
On Novermber 25, 2020, Hausemaster unbanned 41 accounts. From the beginning of 2021, he started prio banning players again.
Listing is upward to engagement as May 31, 2021.
List of unbanned/priority stripped accounts (removed from priority queue but can buy once more)
- Bacardi
- Frosty003
- Forceken
- Komila
- IGottaLogGuys
- pogboy73
- Sparkzzy
- BGP1
- TheBabyBubby
- s7o
- PuussyLicker420
- rockeZZergon
- FoockYou
- Stav2b2t
- StavsAlt2b2t
- Hausematter
- FishkaPlay
- Sofie_Dossi
- Aurylite
- mrninjalex
- zoli7613
- kosty987
- tweechas
- redstoner___
- RubyThaCherry
- Merafy
- Huddy987
- ForceRiza
- 2builders2tools_
- AlphaRadio
- ElectroYModz
- 2builders_2tools
- Ghost_Mafia
- k3ys3r_s0z3
- Y65
- Terpila
- Prio_Banned
- _Windows_XP_
- Coke_Sniffer
- Armorsmith (priority banned again in 2021)
- househousehouse1
- paralusion
- brownman_256
- 0x22
- Crunchy
- minecart11
- Pyruuu
- 0Neb
- Carezo
How to verify banned users
The script below can be used in Chrome or Firefox to hands verify whether or not a user is banned. Write await checkBanned("username")
to check if a histrion is banned.
async part checkBanned(proper name) { await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "awarding/10-www-class-urlencoded" }, torso: "ign=" + encodeURIComponent(name) }) const response = await fetch("") render /disabled/.test(await response.text()) }
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